Title of the practice: Greening Spaces Pruning Minds: Environmental Consciousness and Sustainability
Objective: Bhangar Mahavidyalaya’s "Greening Spaces Pruning Minds" initiative has the primary objective of instilling environment consciousness among all the stake holders as well as the neighboring people. The practice reflects the institution's dedication to environmental consciousness, sustainability, and community engagement.
The Context: We learn not only from books, but we also learn from Nature. Probably we learn in a better way. Environmental awareness has come to the forefront of all the problems that are tormenting the modern minds. The students are the modern minds and the would-be thinkers, policy makers. We strongly feel that the lesson of sustainability should be inculcated in them in their prime.
The Practice:
Rabindra Garden and Nazrul Garden:
The establishment of two lush gardens in front of the Main Building of the college is a testament to the college's commitment to extending environmental consciousness among the students as well as among the local people. These gardens serve as vibrant green spaces, transforming the College area into an aesthetically pleasing and ecologically significant area.
Green Campus with Diverse Plant Species:
Within the campus, Bhangar Mahavidyalaya has transformed into a green oasis with over 300 trees and diverse plants, featuring more than 40 different plant species across three lush lawns,
and herbal gardens. Managed collaboratively by the National Service Scheme (NSS) Unit 1&2 and the Department of Environment Studies, this initiative not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the campus but also serve as an educational tool. The Geography Department of the College has organized a Departmental Seminar “Save the Earth” which has gone a long way in instilling in the students the awareness about sustainability. The integration of academic learning and practical application provides students with hands-on experiences in horticulture, and gardening, fostering a deeper understanding of sustainable practices. A good number of coconut trees have been planted for the long-term benefit of the College.
Green Playground:
The college's commitment to maintaining a well-kept green playground for football, cricket and athletics is a testament to its dedication to students’ wellness and the promotion of sportsmanship. Regular trimming and meticulous maintenance throughout the year ensure safe and suitable playing surfaces, contributing to a healthy and engaging environment for sports activities. The playground is regularly watered by Sprinklers. This well-maintained playground serves as a hub for athletic development, recreation, and community bonding.
Organic Vegetable Garden:
Bhangar is one of the greatest producers of vegetables in the Country. Many of the students come here from the traditional farmers’ family. In keeping with the farming culture of the hinterland our college has set up a green Vegetable Garden where Organic Farming is carried out. Seminars on Organic Farming have been arranged with the help of the Block Development Office. To feed the green vegetables of the Garden we have also set up a Vermicomposting unit where selected students are trained to produce Vermicomposting manure on a need-based routine. The periodic produces of the Organic vegetable Garden is sold among all the Staff of the College in equal measure.
Herbal Garden:
The Philosophy Department of the College has been maintaining an Herbal Garden in the College as one of its Outreach Programmes. The Environmental Studies Department helps the Philosophy Department in this endeavor. The Philosophy Department has been trying to transform a part of what is explained in CHARAKA SAMHITA into reality through the practical use of the plants and saplings grown in the Herbal Garden of the College.
College Pond:
Bhangar is famous for Pisciculture carried out in the “Bheri” areas spread out all over. The College Pond is a regular centre for pisciculture. The pond is regularly maintained by dredging and spreading insecticide. Selected College Students under the NSS banner carry out these works on a regular basis. Since there is no Pisciculture subject in Calcutta University the College could not introduce the specific subject in its curriculum. So, the Pond has been given out in lease to the highest bidder among the local fishermen who continue to practice Pisciculture in the pond.
Beyond the Campus Initiative:
The College has been much affected by Tornadoes like Amphan and Yash. The College being in proximity to the Sunderbans we thought it proper to do our part in Mangrove plantation which, carried out in large scale, can decrease the impact of Tornadoes like these. So, we, in assistance with Kidderpore College, with whom we already have had MoU, visited …village on … There the NCC and NSS Teams of both the Colleges have planted Mangrove trees in a gathering of the villagers.
Water Conservation Practice:
The College has been regularly practicing “Jol Dharo Jol Bharo” project so that students and the Staff are made aware of the value of preservation of water. Rainwater is accumulated in a reservoir so that it can be used in watering the plants of the Gardens. With the help of the Chemistry Department of the College trail is ongoing for the Wastewater to be recycled. The full swing application of the proposed project is yet to be seen.
Evidence of success: The best practices of Bhangar Mahavidyalaya in holistic student support and environmental consciousness exemplify a forward-thinking and comprehensive approach to education. Through these initiatives, the college not only addresses the immediate needs of its students but also instills a sense of responsibility towards the environment, creating a lasting impact on both individual lives and the community at large.
Beyond the visual appeal, the gardens of the College symbolize a shared commitment to sustainable practices, community involvement, and environmental stewardship. The Audit of the last five years clearly shows that coconut trees in the College Garden are a sustainable source of income too. There is a committee to look into the sale- profit process which goes a long way in generating Fund for the College. The Herbal Garden has more than 20 numbers of plants which are used in the daily life of the students and the Staff. The College has been earning regularly by leasing out the pond. Environment awareness is also created thereby where students are taught the valuable effect of the Preservation of Water bodies. That our college has become District Champion in Football in two consecutive years and Champion in Male Athletics are sufficient testimony to the good use of the playground to the benefit of all the key stakeholders. Different local schools, Govt Organizations and other stakeholders use the playground for pursuing their respective sporting activities too. The Principals and the IQAC Coordinators of both the Colleges have made the villagers aware of the useful effect of afforestation, especially of the Mangrove trees in the Sunderban catchment area.
Problems encountered and Resources Required: The lack of guard walls on all the sides of the College was a problem in the initial stage. But where there is a will there is a way. We have overcome this problem with the funds obtained from the local area developments funds of Hon’ble MP and MLA.
Regular upkeep of the gardens and the field and steady supply of funds for the construction of the incomplete gallery on the field are still some of the problems faced.
Title of the Practice – Online 'Entry-in-Service' Portal
To prepare a student for this challenging path, the institution has developed an online portal for competitive examination known as Entry-in-Service. It was a project sanctioned on the XII plan of UGC under the Merged Scheme. The project was then discontinued by the UGC but the College continued the entry-in-service project for the benefit of the students in the manual mode through offline regular classes.
1. An online portal linked to college website that can be accessed by students through their student ID to prepare themselves for competitive examinations.
2. The mobile friendly app provides model questions on logical reasoning, general knowledge, mathematics and English, along with answers and explanations.
3. Final year students often lack awareness regarding ways to prepare themselves for Competitive examinations.
4. Approximately 48000 questions at present can be solved without purchasing any personal books or taking admission in specialized coaching.
5. When students are newly admitted to the College, they are explained about this system in an orientation program.
Objectives of the practice:
1. It does not only judge the pre-existent talent of students but nurtures their development and management skills
2. It exposes them to a wide variety of available choices through providing them with a vast knowledge bank including questionnaire on English language, general Title of the Practice – Online 'Entry-in-Service' Portal
To prepare a student for this challenging path, the institution has developed an online portal for competitive examination known as Entry-in-Service. It was a project sanctioned on the XII plan of UGC under the Merged Scheme. The project was then discontinued by the UGC but the College continued the entry-in-service project for the benefit of the students in the manual mode through offline regular classes.
1. An online portal linked to college website that can be accessed by students through their student ID to prepare themselves for competitive examinations.
2. The mobile friendly app provides model questions on logical reasoning, general knowledge, mathematics and English, along with answers and explanations.
3. Final year students often lack awareness regarding ways to prepare themselves for Competitive examinations.
4. Approximately 48000 questions at present can be solved without purchasing any personal books or taking admission in specialized coaching.
5. When students are newly admitted to the College, they are explained about this system in an orientation program.
Objectives of the practice:
1. It does not only judge the pre-existent talent of students but nurtures their development and management skills
2. It exposes them to a wide variety of available choices through providing them with a vast knowledge bank including questionnaire on English language, general knowledge, logic and reasoning, basic mathematics and other learning skills
3. The wide-ranging repository enables them to identify how to approach various job opportunities beyond their immediate fields of study like banking, insurance sectors, railways, teaching, other public service examinations along with vocational courses so that they may identify their suitable talents and excel in the relevant fields